In this section you can read about my adventures.
Cycling to the border
Of course, before going to Debrecen, I did a test drive and drove to the border to see how long it would take. At normal speed it took me about 40 minutes without rushing. If I had gone faster, I would probably have been there in 20-25 minutes. It was a successful test.
29 May 2021.

To Debrecen
Almost a year ago I had planned to cycle to Debrecen. There was a charity Zumba event and I decided to go for it. Well, first of all I took my bike to have it repaired to make sure it was all right, I told the mechanics to fix it so that it would be able to handle the trip to Debrecen. They replaced everything and I took it for a test ride. It went very well. On a Friday on September 3rd last year, I set off at 23:15 at night, lights and all. I listened to music as I drove, the road was quiet but it was dark all the way, like a chachi kiss only at night. So, Stephen King could have made a horror movie that would have been a laugh. :-D I finally got there at 04:40 am and of course everything was closed, there was a mall that was open with an arcade, I thought I would go in there, but they wouldn't let me in, so I went to a cafe in the mall and waited there until 08:00 am, then the action started and it was great, I had a great time. I took a room, rested for a day and then came back to Oradea the next day.
3 September 2021.